Monday, July 11, 2022

Kumpulan Website Penyedia Blog Gratis Terbaik & Terpopuler


Kumpulan Website Penyedia Blog Gratis Terbaik & Terpopuler

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Ada beberapa aplikasi atau platform yang dapat membantu Anda membuat blog secara gratis untuk mempublikasikan artikel-artikel Anda. Beberapa tidak perlu membutuhkan kemampuan teknis yang baik, cukup mengikuti beberapa panduan sederhana dan Anda sudah bisa membuat konten yang bisa diakses oleh pengguna internet di seluruh dunia.

Daftar Website Penyedia Blog Gratis Tebaik &  Populer

Berikut ini beberapa platform/website populer untuk membuat blog gratis yang bisa Anda coba:

1. dapat Anda gunakan secara gratis. Pengguna cukup mendaftar pada halaman website dan langsung dapat membuat website menggunakan server hosting web milik WordPress. merupakan salah satu platform pembuatan website terkenal di dunia. WordPress menyediakan dua layanan utama, yaitu dan 

Platform ini sangat fleksibel digunakan karena Anda dapat menambahkan berbagai macam plugin, mengganti tema, dan bahkan menggunakan tema Anda sendiri. Ada ratusan bahkan ribuan tema dari toko online, aplikasi perkantoran, hingga teknologi terbaru yang bisa Anda temukan ketika menggunakan platform Namun beberapa fitur bisa digunakan ketika Anda menggunakan akun bisnis atau berbayar.

2. adalah salah satu platform penulisan yang bisa Anda gunakan secara gratis. Medium dikembangkan oleh Evan Williams, mantan CEO Twitter dan salah satu pengembang Blogger, bersama dengan Biz Stone. Sejak tahun 2012 sudah digunakan oleh banyak penulis untuk membagikan tulisannya. Tampilan yang menarik dan terkesan minimalis membuat orang-orang betah untuk berselancar di dalamnya.


Dengan jargon “Your Private Online Journal”, menawarkan platform berbagi journal dengan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi. Penzu menjaga journal Anda tetap aman dengan proteksi password ganda dan enkripsi militer yang sangat kuat untuk memastikan apa yang Anda masukkan aman di Penzu Vault.

Selain itu fleksibilitas yang ditawarkan juga menjadi daya tarik sendiri seperti adanya tiga jenis/tipe blog yang ditawarkan: Daily Diary (publik), Ekspresif Journal (pribadi), dan Travel Journal.

4. merupakan website yang cukup mudah digunakan untuk membangun situs yang menarik. Pengguna dapat menyesuaikan tampilan antarmuka berbasiskan browser cukup dengan melakukan drag dan drop elemen untuk menyesuaikan halaman. Platform ini cocok untuk Anda yang ingin membuat web profesional seperti company profile.

Tidak hanya company profile, pengguna juga dapat membuat berbagai jenis website sesuai dengan tujuan dan kegunaannya masing-masing.

5. adalah website builder yang sangat lengkap untuk membantu Anda untuk menyusun/membangun website secara cepat; tanpa melakukan coding. Pengguna dapat membuat website pribadi, bisnis, event, portofolio, dan blog. Tersedia juga beberapa tema yang bisa digunakan langsung tanpa harus menyusunnya dari awal. juga menawarkan pengembangan website dengan drag dan drop saja. Anda bisa menyesuaikan tampilan tanpa harus berurusan dengan baris kode. Bahkan, tersedia juga lebih dari 200 aplikasi dengan kualitas yang baik yang membuat pengembangan website menjadi lebih simpel. Aplikasi tersebut seperti penjadwalan (scheduling), akuntansi (accounting), chat langsung (live chat), dan masih banyak lagi.

6. hadir untuk menantang website builder lainnya. Mereka menawarkan pengembangan website dari yang sangat simpel buat pengguna baru atau pengguna yang sudah terbiasa di dalam pengembangan website. Sampai dengan saat ini sudah digunakan lebih dari 125 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia.

Ada ratusan template profesional yang untuk dan berbeda dari yang lain. Sama seperti website builder pada umumnya, juga menawarkan beberapa aplikasi tambahan yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk menjalankan website sesuai dengan kebutuhan, seperti toko online dan sosial media.


Platform ini tentu tidak asing lagi buat Anda. bahkan sudah ada sejak saya sendiri masih kecil. Tercatat platform ini sudah ada sejak tahun 2003 yang dikembangkan oleh Google melalui Pyra Labs. Pada umumnya blogger diakses menggunakan alamat domain

Ini adalah salah satu platform yang sangat terkenal saat ini. Jaminan keamanan dan kemudahan yang diberikan karena terintegrasi dengan Google menjadi nilai positif yang dimiliki oleh platform ini. Ya, kami pun menggunakannya di blog kami faucet free bitcoin

Pengembangan website pun cukup mudah. Navigasi yang disediakan tidak terlalu membingungkan bagi pengguna yang bahkan sama sekali belum pernah membukanya. Selain itu, ada fitur custom domain yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk membuat website dengan menggunakan domain Anda (domain berbayar) sendiri secara gratis tanpa harus upgrade atau membayar harga domain.


Para pengembang Postach adalah orang-orang yang ikut serta di dalam pengembangan aplikasi pencatatan seperti Evernote. dengan jargonnya “easiest way to blog” menjadi salah satu platform pembuatan website yang terintegrasi dengan beberapa aplikasi pencatatan online.

Salah satu fitur dari Postach adalah integrasi dengan Evernote. Anda hanya cukup menghubungkan aplikasi catatan (Evernote) ke dan kemudian menandai catatan menjadi “Pusblised” sehingga bisa diakses oleh banyak orang.

Anda juga dapat melakukan beberapa penyesuaian seperti tema, penambahan dari website lain, komentar Disqus, dan opsi untuk menggunakan Dropbox sebagai pengganti untuk menyimpan konten. Cukup menarik, bukan?


Hal yang berbeda dilakukan oleh Tidak seperti yang lainnya, tidak memerlukan login. Namun, sebagai gantinya, Anda harus menentukan alamat URL untuk menentukan artikel dan mengatur password untuknya. Ini memang bukan blog yang menggunakan konsep tradisional seperti apa yang sering kita lihat saat ini, jadi mungkin akan terlihat sedikit aneh.

Anda dapat menambahkan gambar hanya dengan melakukan drag dan drop. Kemudian juga bisa membuat artikel beberapa halaman dengan menggunakan tag.

10. Platform ini beberapa waktu lalu sempat menuai kontroversi terkait dengan pemblokiran dari Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika. Tumblr diblokir karena dianggap menyebarkan konten yang melanggar undang-undang. Pemblokiran Tumblr sudah terjadi sebanyak dua kali sejak tahun 2016 sampai dengan sekarang. Namun saat ini sudah bisa diakses kembali.

Tumblr ternyata menjadi idola di beberapa blogger. Mereka menganggap bahwa platform ini memberikan visualisasi yang sangat menarik. Konten seperti gambar, video, musik, dan beberapa lainnya dapat ditampilkan dengan mudah. Sekaligus ada banyak cara untuk menampilkan konten-konten ini di website.


Ternyata ada yang lebih ‘tua’ dibandingkan dengan Blogger. Platform ini adalah salah satu veteran dari daftar ini, LiveJournal memulai pengembangan pada tahun 1999, ya itulah

Jika dilihat-lihat ini bukan termasuk platform yang sepenuhnya platform karena juga menjadi wadah dari sebuah komunitas yang memberikan penggunanya ruang sendiri. LiveJournal merupakan salah satu platform yang digunakan untuk diskusi sekaligus untuk menulis.


Mungkin platform blog gratis ini tidak familiar di telinga Anda. Ya, Ghost merupakan platform blogging baru yang mungkin bisa bersaing dengan WordPress dan Blogger. Platform blogging yang didirikan oleh John O’Nolan pada tahun 2013 ini merupakan open source blogging platform yang ditulis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript.

Salah satu kelebihan platform blog gratis ini adalah navigasi yang mudah dipahami oleh blogger pemula sekalipun. Karena dibuat dengan JavaScript, Ghost memiliki waktu akses yang cepat.

Seperti WordPress, Ghost juga memiliki dua layanan hosted dan non hosted. Jika Anda ingin mencoba untuk pertama kalinya, bisa menggunakan versi hosted nya.


Ada banyak website yang bisa menjadi sarana untuk menyebarkan tulisan Anda secara gratis dan mudah. Selain menawarkan kemudahan, mereka juga memberikan tampilan yang menarik sehingga tidak membosankan bagi pengunjung untuk membaca artikel-artikel yang ada di dalamnya.

Anda juga bisa menggunakan beberapa platform sekaligus untuk menyebarkan tulisan-tulisan atau konten yang ingin Anda buat. Untuk belajar caranya, Anda bisa simak panduan membuat blog dengan mudah.

Tunggu apa lagi, kita manfaatkan teknologi sebaik mungkin sehingga bisa digunakan untuk menyebarkan konten yang kita buat ke seluruh dunia.

Semoga artikel ini memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat. Kami menyediakan beberapa informasi setiap minggunya, Anda bisa melakukan subscribe untuk mendapatkan notifikasi langsung dari kami.





Top 10 Proven Methods to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022

Top 10 Proven Methods to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022


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Table of Content:

How to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022 

How to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022

If you think that it is too late to earn some crypto, you are wrong. The truth is, there are still hundreds of options on how to do it. ‘Cuz let’s be honest, everyone wants to earn some cryptocurrency. And as the 2022 context shows us, getting some crypto can also be an efficient precaution against inflation and the banking system’s failure.

But, we all remember that the crypto market can be pretty uncertain, so we don’t want to risk our hard-earned money. No worries! Let’s browse the best ways to get some crypto coins at a minimum risk and even minimum effort. Yeah, this is possible, follow me!

10 ways to earn cryptocurrency

1. Start mining cryptocurrency

It seems obvious that you should just start mining crypto. But, the problem is that it doesn’t work for all currencies.

In a nutshell, mining is the process that cryptocurrencies use to generate new coins and verify new transactions. But this process is rather complex and involves huge decentralized networks of computers around the world. Every transaction made is being documented through verified and secure blockchains, which are virtual ledgers. As the computers in the network contribute to their processing power, they are then being rewarded with some new coins. So, it goes in circles when the miners maintain the blockchain and keep it secure, the blockchain in its return provides the miners with the coins.

A decade ago, when we all lived in a slighlty better world, anyone with a home computer could organize mining for crypto at their homes. You did not need some super power to do so. But, as the blockchain has grown, the computation power demanded to maintain it has surged.

Now, you can hardly be successful in mining anything profitable. Plus, all mining is now done by specialized companies or groups of people who band their resources together.

But if you want to try your luck with crypto mining, you don’t have to invest thousands of dollars to get started. You can always join a mining network. All you have to do is pay the joining fee, and then you can work together with other members to mine. The only disadvantage is that you’ll also have to split the rewards.


Check out some of the best cryptocurrencies (besides bitcoin) that you can mine right now:

Ethereum (ETH)

Monero (XMR)

Dash (DASH)

Litecoin (LTC)

CoinGecko is a great resource to stay updated with crypto prices and decide whether a coin is worth mining or buying.

2. Earn crypto by buying

Buying crypto seems like the most straightforward way to get some coins, right? Plus, it has never been easier than before. As the industry became so super duper popular in the past few years, its demand skyrocketed. Many companies have started offering services that enable anyone to easily and safely enter the market.

So, how can you buy cryptocurrency in 2022? Easy-peasy!

Let’s start with bitcoin. Buying this coin can be as simple as pie. You just go to a bitcoin ATM and get it with cash or credit. Though other crypto coins aren’t so accessible, so you can only buy them via crypto exchanges. But there’s one thing you should think of, such as transaction fees.

On most online exchanges, the transaction fees are updated in real-time, based on market changes. And the fees themselves are pretty low.

ATMs, on the other hand, usually have high transaction fees. So it’s usually advised to buy coins through exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken. All you have to do is sign up for an account and verify it.

But you should remember, some exchanges require verification from your bank, and this process can take up to several weeks.

Another option is a decentralized exchange (DEX) such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap. The compliance requirements are usually lower and may approve your account faster. But, keep in mind that trading tokens on a DEX is even riskier than on a centralized exchange.

3. Earn cryptocurrency by watching videos

This way is rather easy but not a smooth landscape yet. Most of the payouts are very low, and the videos can be boring to watch, cuz they are mostly ads. But there are some interesting projects that go beyond advertising as well.

One way is to use a site like CoinTube. CoinTube is a site that allows you to watch videos about cryptocurrencies and earn bitcoin in the process. All you need to do is create an account, and then start watching videos. The site pays out every Monday.

Another way to earn free crypto coins is to use a site like Cointiply. You will need to complete some tasks, such as watching videos. You can also earn bitcoin by playing games.

One more option that functions in a similar way is the CoinmarketCap Learning Center. Coinmarketcap has different videos and requires you to take a short quiz afterward, but the payouts and educational value are also high. You can also go for Odysee, which is positioned as an answer to Youtube,, and PlayNano Online. This one specifically, is a project that lets you earn Nano by watching videos, playing games, completing surveys, and other activities.

4. Earn crypto by staking

First of all, what’s staking? Let me explain, staking is a way to put your crypto to work and earn rewards on it. The primary benefit of staking is that you earn more crypto, and interest rates can be very generous. Cool, right?

As many crypto coins verify their transactions, staking allows participants to earn rewards on their holdings. It can be a great way to use your crypto to generate some passive income, especially because some cryptocurrencies offer high interest rates for staking.

Ok, ready to take some easy steps? Follow me!

First, you should buy a cryptocurrency that uses proof-of stake. Here are a few of the major cryptocurrencies you can steak in:

Ethereum (CRYPTO:ETH) was the first cryptocurrency with a programmable blockchain that developers can use to create apps.

Cardano (CRYPTO:ADA) is an eco-friendly cryptocurrency. It was founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods.

Polkadot (CRYPTO:DOT) is a protocol that allows different blockchains to connect and work with one another.

Secondly, transfer your crypto to a blockchain wallet. After you buy your crypto, it will be available on the exchange where you purchased it. Some exchanges have their own staking programs with select cryptocurrencies. If that's the case, you can just stake crypto directly on the exchange. While staking can work differently depending on the cryptocurrency, most use staking pools. Research the staking pools available for the cryptocurrency you have. But! I want to warn you, that there are a few risks to staking crypto, you should understand. Crypto prices are volatile and can drop quickly. If your staked assets suffer a large price drop, that could outweigh any interest you earn on them.

Also keep in mind that staking can require that you lock up your coins for a minimum amount of time. During that period, you're unable to do anything with your staked assets, such as sell them. I warned you, bro.

5. Get crypto with DeFi

well, now we will talk about the next level of complexity. Don't worry, I am with you here. So, in the most straightforward understanding of this process, Yield Farming is a method of generating rewards from locking up cryptocurrencies. As you lock in your funds and grant liquidity to a Defi token, you will get rewards and interest. Depending on the project, you can get additional tokens besides the yield. Not so complicated, right?

Some of the most prominent DeFis that you can mine right now are Compound (COMP), Kyber Network (KNC), 0x (ZRX), and Ren (REN).

6. Earn cryptocurrency by playing games

You can not only play games, but earn some crypto! Sounds awesome, right? Plus, the Play to Earn crypto games concept is the hottest trend nowadays. Let's take a look inside to see what's really possible. These unique games have native tokens supporting game economies. You buy, trade, sell, and play with these in-game currencies.

But, some games are premium needing an initial investment to start with, while some you play for free. And one more thing I should mention, most of these games are in early development, so lower your expectations, and don’t wait for some super modern good-looking games here. But keep your focus on the economics, and the rewards, not the game itself. Now, let’s look closer. You can check out Axie Infinity for the beginning. This game is the top P2E crypto game, consistently in the news for providing household income in some weaker economies. The game requires three Axies (in-game creatures) that you can purchase from their marketplace. rollercoin as crypto game mining simulator etc.

Then, Plant Vs. Undead. This game is about a meteorite-hit planet in which the animals have turned into the undead trying to kill the mother trees. However, the flora has evolved too, fully prepared to fight the adversaries. The native token is PVU stored on Binance's Smart Chain, whereas the in-game currency is named Light Energy (LE).

And one more thing to mention, is The Sandbox. It has multiple ways to earn. You can be an artist, game maker, or landowner to earn SAND, the cryptocurrency. rollercoin etc

There are plenty of other games to choose from, but bear in mind, you should be careful of the games asking for initial investments, owing to the crypto volatility.

7. Earn Cryptocurrency joining a network of publishers

Do you have a website or a blog? Then you can start earning some coins. It is easy, let me show you how.

Since Google banned or restricted crypto-related businesses from advertising through its network, the advertising industry had to adapt. Countless crypto ad networks (such as A-ADS), Adsterra and or Adhitz Ad were created to fill the market’s advertising needs. Their platforms created vast networks of crypto publishers, where advertisers could place their banners.

So, let me tell you about the advantages that our Publishers can get. Firstly, it takes less than a minute to become a publisher! You should go to our website and follow three steps. Ready? Here, what you should do:

Fill out the ad unit creation form to get HTML code. It’s pretty simple, no worries!

Insert it on your website.

Wait for your earnings!

What’s more is that we provide alternative technologies for monetizing your traffic. In addition to the ability to sell ads on your website directly, you can also earn from the pool of our active advertisers. Our distributed, scalable infrastructure ensures reliable ad delivery all around the world.

In return for displaying ads, the publisher gets paid. And while most networks will pay out their users in only one currency (such as EUR or USD), many also do payouts in cryptocurrency.

8. Accept crypto payments

One more way to earn some crypto coins is to start accepting crypto payments. If you own an e-commerce website, then it’s your time to shine. The process isn’t complicated. Platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce allow their customers to accept cryptocurrencies as payment through their website.

And not talking only bitcoin. For example, WooCommerce allows its users to accept some 50 types of crypto coins, while Shopify goes even higher, with more than 300.

If we talk about Shopify, all you have to do is enable an alternative payment method from your Shopify account.

For WooCommerce, you’ll have to install one (or more) additional plugin, such as BitPay or CoinGate. When installed, just activate it, configure it, and you’re good to go.

9. Start freelancing and get paid in bitcoin

Maybe this is not an obvious way, but definitely one of the easiest to try! You can earn coins by securing a job that pays in cryptocurrency. And you will be surprised as to how many online platforms have set it as their Payment method.

Heaps of platforms facilitate freelancing through blockchain technology. . Most of them don’t have any costs or transaction fees, so freelancers receive precisely what the employer pays.

Feel uncertain to receive your paycheck in crypto due to volatility? No worries! You can always opt for a more stable cryptocurrency. You can start your crypto freelance career with such places as CryptoGrind, BlockLancer, BitGigs Earn, and some others.

10. Use cryptocurrency and payment platforms

The last, but not the least, is the way to profit from cash back functionality.

Cryptocurrency and payment platforms like now offer financial management applications that can help you earn more cryptos using the funds you already have.

Not counting earning cryptocurrencies from depositing and picking up the interest, you can profit from cash back functionality.


So, let’s sum up, the crypto industry is massive!

In this article, we have tried to cover some of the safest methods of earning. It’s up to you which one to choose.

Source: A ads

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

easy way to bypass all shortlinks of web faucets

 easy way to bypass all shortlinks of web faucets

What is Bypass?

Bypass generally means "shortcut" or "escape". The term bypass is used in various fields, from construction to information technology to medical.


The term bypass is a term that is often found in various fields, for example in the field of construction tips on bypassing roads, in the medical field we know heart bypass surgery, while in the field of information technology we know (among other things) the term bypass proxy.

Whatever the field, the term bypass always has the same meaning, namely "shortcut" or "circumvention". In the field of construction, bypass means a shortcut (its true meaning), in the medical field, heart bypass means an operation where other blood vessels are used as a shortcut for blood to enter the heart. While the term bypass proxy refers to a number of addresses that are given exceptions to be accessed without going through a proxy ("the proxy is bypassed / bypassed). We can set this exception in the settings section of the browser we use.

Next, after we understand Bypass, do you already know about captcha?

What is a captcha? Maybe this question arises when we hear this one word. For internet explorers who have frequently visited various sites and registered online, captcha may be familiar because captcha is a general security system that must be owned by website owners.


Captcha is indeed commonly found on the Internet, especially when we register on a site or use tools on a website. Unfortunately, most users simply follow prompts to enter letters, numbers or click pictures, without really knowing what they do.

So, so as not to be more curious this time, we will briefly explain what a captcha is and its function.

what is captcha?

Are you robots? This question is often found when we want to access sites on the internet and we have to verify to make sure we are really human. This is called a captcha.

Based on the acronym, it can be concluded that captcha is the use of graphics, which can be letters, numbers, or images to verify whether the request submitted is made by a computer or a human.

In general, this test can be done easily by humans, but it is difficult for computers to solve so that in the end only humans can pass.

In essence, captcha is a technology used to differentiate between robots and real users. The validation process is designed so that it can only be solved by humans and must be bypassed so that the user can access the desired site.

what is the function of Captcha

So, the question has been answered about what is a captcha. However, of course it will not end here. Another question arises regarding the captcha function itself.

Actually, captcha does have a crucial function for a website because it is often used as a validation feature so that the system is not easily hacked by robots. The main function of captcha is so that the website can avoid bots entering the site. However, for more details, here is the function of the captcha:

1.Protecting Registration on Website

In general, free services provided by big companies like Google, Microsoft, Youtube, and others require captcha to protect and prevent data misuse by various automated scripts.

Therefore, when registering we often encounter captcha. For information, a few years ago there was a bots attack when there was registration of thousands of email accounts at the same time. With the captcha, it is hoped that this will not happen again.

2.Preventing Dictionary Attacks on Websites or Blogs

The use of captcha can also prevent dictionary attacks in the password system so as to prevent account theft by breaking passwords through the use of dictionary bots.

This way the account will be more secure and avoid theft and misuse of irresponsible persons.

3.Protect Email Address from Scraper

Scraper is a bot that is able to cut someone's email address from a website, then take over their access. Captcha will protect and hide your email address from scrapers so that spammers can't spread spam and find your email address.

4. Prevent Spam Comments on Websites or Blogs

Many bloggers use fake comments to increase the rate of their site so that it enters the first page of search engines. The existence of a captcha will prevent the emergence of comment spam of this type, because every time you want to post a comment the user must enter a captcha from a combination of numbers, letters, or images first.

5. Prevent Search Engine Bots

The existence of a captcha can protect a web page from search engine bots that sometimes appear to read web pages. Actually, there is a tag that can do this task.

However, sometimes it is less effective to block these search engine bots. In order to really guarantee the security of web pages, it is necessary to have a captcha.

That's the discussion regarding what a captcha is complete with its various functions. 

If you look closely, captcha is one of the components whose function is very important for a website. For that, its existence should exist as a protector of our website. So, every website owner is strongly advised to install a captcha, at least on the comment page so that it is not easily exposed to spam.

However, it is undeniable that everything that exists must have a blemish to enter into it. Just like this, we can bypass captcha very easily with the kiwi browser application.

Bypass here aims so that everyone can complete shortlinks without having to bother clicking manually, and facing many annoying trap ads, especially pop up ads, but this will also not harm the shortlink owner, because we will still visit the links they created. also keep seeing unobtrusive sticky ads, Steps bypass shortlink:

1. use chrome for PC
2. for android userMake sure the browser we use is a browser that has extension features. Mainly use the kiwi browser application, because the kiwi browser supports the Chrome webstore extension
Download and install all the following supported extensions:

a. Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
  its function is to simplify and speed up the completion of captcha,
  a number of shortlink can be passed but some others still remain
     must be completed manually.
    LINK Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans

b. Fastforward
     Its function is to speed up to the main link and bypass the annoying link
      put up lots of pop up ads, but some shortlinks like,
      adbull,, and adshort usually don't want to if we use this extension,
      so it had to be temporarily turned off.
c. ghostery privacy adblocker
      Its function as an adblock for displayed ads, especially pop up ads, will
      but sticky ads can still appear, this is also so as not to be too detrimental to the web owner
      as an alternative if the web installed a strong anti-adblocker and made an extension
      ghostey can't penetrate it, we can also use a light adblocker which
      called UNDETECTABLE ADBLOCKER by turning off ghostery privacy
      adblocker and temporarily turn on UNDETECTABLE ADBLOCKER
     LINK ghostery privacy adblocker

d. pop up blocker
     Its main function is to skip pop up ads, both those that appear suddenly or those that occur
     hidden, Also as a safety pop up that is clicked, is it an important pop up?
     or pop ups containing advertisements that interfere with the intended shortlink
    LINK pop up blocker

e. tamper monkey (ekstensi chrome)
      Most importantly, it is this extension that we will later use for
      install script bypass all shortlinks.
     LINK Tampermonkey

f. Script Bypass All Shortlinks and additional bypass
     to be installed in tampermonkey, its function is to bypass all web shortlinks once installed and activated, if there is an update the script will ask for an update automatically.
the way to put script bypass all tampermonkey
1. turn onTampermonkey
cara mudah bypass melewati shortlink web faucet
2. click details

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

3. clik view in chrome web store
Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

4. click
Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet
5. click userscript
Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

6. select greasifork, then in the search section write BYPASS ALL SHORTLINKS then press

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

7. then install BYPASS ALL SHORTLINKS 
Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

8.  After installing it will appear whether you will also install ADDITIONAL BYPASS? Then also install the additional bypass

Cara Mudah ByPass atau Melewati Shortlink Web Faucet

9. done,good luck, this method can also be applied to websites like 

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