Showing posts with label crypto news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crypto news. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

FaucetHub sudah mati! Ini Dia Situs Pengganti yang bahkan lebih user friendly saripada Faucethub

FaucetHub sudah mati! Ini Dia Situs Pengganti Faucethub

Baru-baru ini, Mexicantarget selaku founder dari Faucethub baru saja membuat artikel tentang informasi Faucethub akan ditutup.

Untuk yang belum tahu, Faucethub merupakan sebuah platform micro wallet nomor 1 didunia. Mereka memiliki banyak pengguna, baik itu crypto hunter maupun faucet owner.

Mexicantarget mengatakan bahwa faucethub tidak akan bisa menjadi micro wallet yang bisa maju sampai kapanpun. Ia mengatakan didalam postingannya:

“Ini tentang bagaimana FaucetHub tidak dapat terus beroperasi sebagai mikro wallet maju”

Lalu, dengan semua informasi ini, apa alasan yang membuat Faucethub harus ditutup? 

Sebagai informasi, kami telah merangkum dengan rapi tentang postingan Mexicantarget, agar dapat dipahami oleh kamu.

Alasan Kenapa Faucethub Ditutup

Mexicantarget mengatakan, alasan utama penutupan platform faucethub adalah dari sistem “Regulation Requirements”, atau dalam bahasa indonesia disebut Persyaratan Peraturan. Hal ini lah yang menjadi alasan utama penutupan platform faucethub.

Regulation Requirements menunjukan bahwa Crypto telah lepas landas dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan membuat jalan ke mata badan pengaturan dari berbagai negara tingkat atas.

Organisasi yang terlibat diinstruksikan oleh pemerintah negara masing-masing untuk menerapkan aturan dan pedoman bagi semua perusahaan keuangan agar mereka dapat memantau, mengendalikan, dan memprediksi pergerakan moneter warga di negara tersebut.

Dan peraturan ini tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh Faucethub, selain faucethub, peraturan ini juga tidak akan bisa dipenuhi oleh semua micro wallet yang ada. Jadi semua platform micro wallet akan segera ditutup.

BacaJuga : Cara Nuyul di A-ADS Metode BTC Ngalir Deras kayak Mining BTC beneran

Kenapa Micro Wallet tidak bisa memenuhi peraturan ini?

Sebelumnya saya akan jelaskan apa itu micro wallet. Micro Wallet adalah pemroses pembayaran dengan fokus utama adalah pengalihan uang dari tangan orang lain ke tangan orang lain.

Micro Wallet menyimpan dan bertransaksi dalam cryptocurrency atas nama atau alamat crypto orang lain (milik pengguna). Ini membuat micro wallet secara hukum dituntut untuk diatur sebagai perusahaan keuangan.
Apakah perusahaan Faucethub akan benar-benar ditutup?

Untuk Faucethub sendiri saya katakan YA, Faucethub akan benar-benar ditutup. Namun untuk perusahaan-nya tidak akan ditutup, karena Mexicantarget mengatakan bahwa mereka akan melakukan Re-branding dengan mengganti nama dan layanan yang ada.

Seperti yang dikutip dari postingan Mexicantarget oleh tim Jelajahcoin, Mexican target menjelaskan bahwa:

“Setelah mempertimbangkan dengan saksama, kami telah memutuskan bahwa FaucetHub akan menjalani rebranding menjadi nama baru, dan akan memiliki fokus inti baru: menyediakan layanan Offerwall kepada pengguna dan bisnisIa melanjutkan:

“Ini melibatkan peluncuran platform baru yang dirancang untuk pengguna yang mengklaim dari Offerwalls, serta memberikan opsi bagi Penerbit untuk memperoleh penghasilan dari lalu lintas mereka dan bagi Peneliti & Pengiklan untuk mempromosikan dan melakukan riset pasar crypto yang ditargetkan.”

Hal ini membuat terjadinya penghentian Altcoin pada platform baru-nya, namun mereka akan tetap menggunakan Bitcoin sebagai mata uang utama. Mexican target juga menyarankan penggunanya untuk segera menarik semua Altcoin yang ada sebelum fase transisi berakhir.

Mexicantarget mengatakan, tanggal mulai perubahan awal atau fase transisi adalah tanggal 09 November 2019. Dan akan fase transisi ini akan berakhir pada 10 Desember 2019.

Apa pengganti FAUCETHUB setelah Faucethub mati?

FaucetPay  Dengan informasi ditutupnya Micro-wallet terkemuka didunia, Faucethub, memang banyak sekali orang yang kebingungan untuk mencari pengganti dari Faucethub.

Namun, sekarang Kami akan memberitahukan situs pengganti Faucethub, yang dimana situs-situs faucet sebelumnya memang sudah beralih ke situs ini.

Situs ini bernama, Micro-wallet yang benar-benar telah menggantikan posisi dari Faucethub. Semua situs faucet sebelumnya dari Faucethub telah berpindah database ke Faucetpay.

Bahkan A-Ads juga telah menambahkan Faucetpay kedalam dukungan withdraw-nya.


Jadi sekarang kamu sudah bisa mencari dan menghasilkan bitcoin atau altcoin lagi melalui situs-situs faucet yang tersedia. Klik tombol diatas untuk segera mendaftar ke Faucetpay dan mulai menghasilkan uang.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menggandakan coin kamu melalui permainan yang disediakan FaucetPay, yaitu “Multiply Coins”.


Baca Juga: Cara Menghasilkan Uang dengan memonetisasi blog lewat program publisher ADSTERRA plus Bukti pembayarannya

Kelebihan FaucetPay dari FaucetHub

Adapun kelebihan yang dimiliki FaucetPay daripada FaucetHub itu sendiri. Berikut, kami akan menjelaskan semua kelebihan yang dimiliki FaucetPay daripada FaucetHub:

1. Durasi Withdraw yang cepat

FaucetPay memiliki durasi withdraw atau penarikan yang terbilang sangat lebih cepat dibandingkan FaucetHub. Jika Faucethub membutuhkan waktu 24 jam untuk altcoin, dan penarikan bitcoin hanya diproses pada hari minggu.

Beda halnya dengan FaucetPay yang memiliki durasi withdraw paling lama sekitar 4 Jam, dan paling cepat sekitar 5 menit.

2. Fee/biaya withdraw yang rendah

Selain daripada durasi withdraw yang cepat, FaucetPay juga memiliki Fee/biaya withdraw yang terbilang cukup rendah. Biaya withdraw disini memiliki 2 opsi, opsi ini berasarkan durasi yang kamu inginkan.

Seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, FaucetPay memiliki 2 opsi durasi withdraw yaitu 4 jam dan 5 menit. Jika kamu memilih durasi yang 4 jam, maka kamu akan dikenakan biaya sebesar 400 satoshi.

Sedangkan untuk yang 5 menit, kamu akan dikenakan biaya 7000 satoshi.

3. Minimum Withdraw yang rendah

Disini kita akan mengambil contoh Bitcoin, di FaucetPay minimum withdraw untuk bitcoin sangatlah rendah. Yaitu sebesar 15,000 Satoshi atau 0.00015 BTC saja.


4. Script Faucet gratis

Beralih ke hal lain, FaucetPay juga menyediakan script Faucet gratis untuk kamu yang ingin menjadi developer atau penyedia Faucet sendiri.

Script ini sengaja disiapkan oleh FaucetPay untuk mempermudah dan memperluas jangkauan orang-orang yang ingin mencari coin melalui faucet.

5. Desain yang lebih User Friendly

Ini merupakan hal yang cukup penting untuk sebuah platform micro-wallet. Kita tau FaucetHub memiliki desain yang cukup rumit dan cukup membuat bingung para penggunanya untuk menemukan sebuah halaman.

Beda halnya dengan FaucetPay, mereka memiliki desain yang sangat User Friendly atau mudah digunakan. Bahkan mereka hanya memiliki 1 menu navigasi yang dimana kamu bisa mencari semua yang kamu butuhkan disana.

Dari semua penjelasan diatas, kami harap kamu sudah bisa memahami tentang fitur yang disediakan. Dan kami harap kamu akan segera bergabung bersama kami dan mulai menghasilkan coin.

Baca Juga : Cara Ampuh Tips dan Trik Bermain RollerCoin agar Untung Besar Secara Gratis

Disclaimer: ini adalah info yang sifatnya hiburan dan pendidikan saja, Tidak ada informasi yang Anda baca itu harus diambil sebagai saran investasi. Membeli dan memperdagangkan mata uang digital harus dianggap sebagai kegiatan berisiko tinggi. Silakan lakukan ketekunan DYOR do your own reasearch Anda sendiri sebelum membuat keputusan investasi apa pun. Jelajahcoin tidak bertanggung jawab, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, untuk setiap kerugian yang terjadi.

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Friday, July 15, 2022

Bitcoin Mining Fee Sets lowest Record in 10 Months

Bitcoin Mining Fee Sets lowest Record  in 10 Months


Bitcoin (BTC) mining fees have now dropped to a 10-month low, as mining difficulty has also decreased since last May.

The mining difficulty has previously dropped as someminers have stopped and scaled back their operations, due to demands for survival amid the bearish crypto market.

This is also reflected in the BTC selloff from Bitcoin miners of 80,000 coins, which are used to survive and operate.

Read also : Faucet Free bitcoin and Crypto

Bitcoin Mining Costs Dropping

According to a Cointelegraph report, one of the factors that led to this decrease in Bitcoin mining costs also came from the use of more efficient hardware.

JPMorgan strategist Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou said that Bitcoin production costs have dropped to around $13,000, from $24,000 in early June.

Mining difficulty which has dropped from a May peak of 31.25T to 29.15T, brought mining costs down to their lowest point since September 2021.

“Lower Bitcoin productions costs have the potential to reduce miner selling pressure and increase profitability. However, strategists are still bearish, suggesting that the decline in production costs may be seen as negative for Bitcoin's price outlook going forward,” said Bloomberg.

In fact, some analysts see this drop in fees as a lower bound for the price range of major cryptocurrencies in bearish crypto markets.

Also, some analysts expect the price of BTC to drop again to $13,000, following an 80 percent pullback more like in the previous two bear markets. Meanwhile, the current Bitcoin price decline has been in the range of 70 percent.

Most miners have indeed turned off their old mining rigs, as energy prices soared and falling asset prices slumped.

And from mining profitability data provider Asic Miner Value, the recently released Bitmain Antminer E9 rig is one of the mostefficient units on the market. This is the basis for lowering mining costs.

According to a Bitinforcharts report, miner profitabilityis at its lowest since October 2020, at US$0.095 per day per TH/s.

However, the reduction in production costs is expected to halt the decline in miners' profitability, and turn it into increasing profits in the next few months.

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Bitcoin Mining Fees Drop, Why Is Bitcoin Price Depressing Potentially?

Bitcoin Mining Fees Drop, Why Is Bitcoin Price Depressing Potentially?



The fact is that the cost of mining Bitcoin continues to decline, a.k.a cheaper, but according to Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou from JPMorgan, it has the potential to push the price of Bitcoin down again. Robby, the Director of somewhat agrees with that opinion.


Bitcoin production costs have fallen from around $24,000 in early June to around $13,000 today. Although it can be interpreted that Bitcoin miners have the potential to be reluctant to sell their BTC, the opposite can happen,” Panigirtzoglou told Bloomberg, Thursday (14/7/2022).


In general, Bitcoin mining fees (daily basis), are calculated by comparing the amount of electricity consumption to mine Bitcoin with the amount of BTC mined.


When mining fees are lower than the Bitcoin price, more miners tend to work again. On the other hand, if the mining costs are higher than the miners' income, the number of miners will tend to decrease.

 Read also : Faucet Free bitcoin and Crypto

However, based on historical data, as attached by JPMorgan, what happens is the opposite, that low BTC mining costs will actually create selling pressure for Bitcoin by miners, because miners will tend to cover losses previously experienced.


From the graph presented by JPMorgan, in June 2021, therate of production costs dropped dramatically, which was then followed by a decline in the price of Bitcoin. Although then the next few months, it reversed, the previous trend occurred in June 2022, where the cost of producing Bitcoin has dropped from around US$24,000 in early June to around US$13,000 nowaday.


Even from another source, MacroMicro, as of July 13, 2022, the current production cost of BTC is US$23,764. Meanwhile, on July 15, 2022, it fell to US$20,632.


According to Panigirtzoglou, the decline in productioncosts was due to some large miners using much more efficient crypto mining equipment, i.e., that is more energy efficient, but able to mine more Bitcoins. This relative advantage is not possessed by several other small miners who must be willing to extinguish their mining equipment, after selling their mining products.


Mining Bitcoin and Selling Trends

“Generally, lower production costs help increase miners' profits and potentially reduce selling pressure by them. However, by other market participants, it is considered the opposite, as well as to investigate the next support level in the bear market era. We project that the production cost of BTC could drop to US$13,000,” he said.


Robby, Director of, agrees with JPMorgan's opinion. He said that due to low production costs plus a lower hashrate, the cost to mine 1 BTC is lower, so miners can sell their produce cheaply.


“If the cost goes down, the hashrate goes down, so the chances of getting BTC are higher. And then if production costs go down, but the hashrate goes up, the price of BTC tends to go up," added Robby to Blockchain media, Friday (15/7/2022).


BTC Selling Pressure by Miners

On the other hand, the selling pressure of BTC by miners is inevitable, because the cost of mining Bitcoin is higher than the selling price of BTC in the market. To overcome this, some miners have to sell it.


Mining company Core Scientific, for example, announced on July 7, 2022, that it had sold BTC worth US$165 million equivalent to Rp.


During June, the company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange sold 7,202 BTC at an average price of US$23 thousand. Core Scientific's BTC deposit now has 1,959 BTC left.


Regarding the use of more efficient mining equipment, yesterday Cleanspark purchased 1,061 units of Whatsminer M30S. That many units is equivalent to 93 petahash per second (PH/s). Previously, they bought 1,800 units of Antminer S19 XP.

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Digital Rupiah and Latent Risk to Banking Business

Digital Rupiah and Latent Risk to Banking Business

The digital rupiah is a new form of money issued directly by the central bank. In its ideal form, it can make monetary policy more effective, but perhaps not for the banking business in the future. And this is happening in China through digital yuan which was developed in 2014 and started to be tested since 2020.

The discourse on the issuance of digital rupiah by Bank Indonesia (BI) is getting narrower. The Central Bank of Indonesia said it would publish the general draft of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by the end of 2022, against the backdrop of the widespread risk of using crypto assetsglobally as alternative means of payment.

“In order to overcome the risks to the stability of thesecrypto assets, a regulatory framework is needed to overcome them. In addition, the existence of crypto assets is also the background for the central bank in exploring the design and issuance of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or digital currency issued by the central bank. 

Bank Indonesia continues to study CBDC and at the end of this year is at the stage to issue a digital rupiahdevelopment whitepaper," explained Bank Indonesia in its official statement on July 12, 2022, regarding the 2022 Digital Financial Economy Festival held in Bali.

BI's statement is very easy to interpret, that the central bank actually recognizes crypto assets (the Bank for International Settlements uses the term "cryptocurrency"), in terms of time and cost efficiency as a tool and cross-border payment system.

It's just that crypto, say for the dollar-valued stablecoin (USDT), is still in the gray area, because it is not specifically regulated as a method of payment. In Indonesia itself, by the Ministry of Trade/CoFTRA, it is only recognized as a crypto asset commodity.


With the central bank keeping its distance from stablecoins, which in principle are a new form of digital money, as well as wanting to have more control over them, the central bank has been talking for the last 5 years to create its own digital currency.

As in the term, CBDC (central bank currency), digital rupiah is actually still fiat money, its value is still rupiah, but issued directly by the central bank, not through a mechanism through commercial banks as it is today, whose "money creation" principle was introduced since 1970s by the Fed.

So, what is the difference between digital rupiah and electronic money (e-money) which is used every day by Indonesian citizens, such as OVO and GoPay and so on for the purchase of goods and services?

In the eyes of financial technology, electronic money worth rupiah is actually digital. The difference lies in the way, the path and the parties involved to publish it. It also intersects with other forms ofmoney, based on its specific function.

Yes, it is true that the laity answered that rupiah currency was issued by the central bank. However, it is not that simple. What actually happens is through commercial banks, the central bank is the root.

In "modern money creation", which was first designed by the Fed since 1970, after the value and circulation of the US dollar was no longer pegged to gold reserves, money was issued and circulated through the following (simplified) mechanism.

First, the government issues bonds (bonds). These state securities are "government statements" so that the central bank will issue large amounts of money needed by the government which will later be used to finance state spending, including for civil servants salaries, construction of hospitals, schools and so on. This amount is stated in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget

Second, in order for the bonds to be used as “money”, they must be sold through commercial banks and some of them can be purchased as investment instruments by ordinary people. We know it as Indonesian Retail Bonds.

Third, and some of the debt securities are purchased by the central bank and become part of the assets on its balance sheet, as the underlying asset for issuing money on the market, either in the form of electronic money or electronic/digital money.

Because of the good cooperation between the government's ministry of finance and the central bank, we find their signatures on all the banknotes issued and we use them every day. And we feel the electronic form in the form of OVO and GoPay, for example, which are bank products or financial technology companies.

So today's digital/electronic rupiah currency is not a digital form of rupiah from the central bank directly, but additional services from banks and other private companies. The function and role of the central bank in this regard is supervision and control, together with, for example, theFinancial Services Authority (OJK).

If we dig carefully, then the role of commercial banks is actually an "intermediary" in this money creation process. Like the role of intermediaries, there are costs in the process of distribution and circulation of money.

This is where CBDC, the digital rupiah plays its role, which can deterministically reduce the role or existence of banks. In other words, you individually will have a direct banking account in the central banksystem.

So, if the process of issuing digital rupiah can be done without going through commercial banks, then cost and time efficiency can be achieved, especially in the case of Bank Indonesia implementing a moreeffective monetary policy.

When the role of banks can in principle be eliminated through central bank digital currencies, specific latent risks and dangers arise.

This was emphasized by the IMF at a conference in Bali regarding digital rupiah, that at this time, it is not clear whether CBDC will have an advantage over deposits with the conventional banking system.

"For example, if a CBDC does not offer interest rates and a commercial bank has good deposit guarantees, then commercial banksavings may be just as safe, but offer higher returns," said Tommaso Mancini Griffoli, Division Chief in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the IMF.

He revealed, banking has now begun to transform towardsdigital and offers convenient digital products for customers.

This, he said, was the fruit of the bank's understanding of its customers and experience in developing digital products. Commercial banks have also been able to create digital products that are more attractive than the current CBDC concept.


What is meant by the IMF is a warning sign, that while CBDCs are able to offer efficiency, at the same time, if the central bank fails to provide benefits in the form of "interest", including attractive features compared to commercial banks, the digital rupiah may not be useful. This CBDC and banking business controversy has occurred in Russia, related to the digital ruble plan.

In other words, if the opposite happened, the digital rupiah, which is a direct product of Bank Indonesia, would be able to match commercial bank-style financial products, so the current banks may no longer be needed, because everything has been worked on by the central bank.

To quote an article by Christopher Yates: Central bankdigital currencies (CBDCs) could represent the biggest change to the financial system since Bretton Woods. CBDCs can completely change the global financial system and, ultimately, can redefine the nature of money itself.

As hinted by the Bank for International Settlements and interpreted by Yates, that the background to the design and development of CBDCs is that CBDCs allow direct interaction between central banks and individuals.

Central bank stimulus measures will no longer be constrained by the whims of commercial banks and private sector credit creation. 

Rather than relying on bank profitability, regulation and credit demand to influence the money supply in the real economy, the Fed will be able to inject liquidity directly into individual consumers and businesses themselves. Such a form of central bank digital currency would literally transition the central bank from being a lender of last resort to being a last (or first) shopper of choice,” Yates said.

In relation to the political culture of a country, CBDC is more effectively applied to its full potential in a relatively centralized and non-democratic country such as China, because it is more efficient in making decisions and regulations for system changes.

No wonder digital money is issued faster in the country and becomes the first country in the world, as a new effort to make the value of their money more visible in other countries. Let's call this a slick plan for dedollarization and starting to marginalize the role of electronic money by private companies.

Especially for digital rupiah in Indonesia, of course the story is different, because it requires political friction and regulations that are exciting and take a long time.

Waiting for digital rupiah, let's just wait for digitalfiat money in other countries, such as digital won, yen, digital dollars and so on, whether it is really effective, while seeing the potential it can stand side by side with stablecoins.

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Free Bitcoin Faucet

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By 2020, eleven years after its invention, Bitcoin will be a buzzword on the Internet; a digital event that evokes technology and engages laypeople. But it is not always popular – some would say that it really reached its peak of popularity in late 2017, when the price of Bitcoin rose to just under $20,000. But in its early days, Bitcoin was an unknown quantity, a technological marvel hidden deep within the Internet.

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto the mysterious man created a form of money that wascompletely decentralized, with no central authority, operated by a dedicatednetwork of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The cryptocurrency community has already started and Bitcoin is nowhere near where it is today. There are no markets, exchanges, or escrow services, and receiving BTC is a breeze.


You can convince a miner or someone in possession of earning BTC to sell it to you, but bitcoin is not very useful right now. Introducing Gavin Andresen - the man who really built Bitcoin Satoshi - is praised as the mastermind behind Bitcoin, but Gavin Andresen is the man who really madeBitcoin what it is today. Chosen to succeed Nakamoto, he is the leading developer of the open source code that defines the rules of the Bitcoinnetwork, as well as developing the software needed to use BTC.

But his first bitcoin coding project is something that looks even more ridiculous in 2020 - a website that gives 5 BTC per visitor. At the time, while taking BTC and promoting it to the masses was a challenge, the idea wasn't so ridiculous - BTC was almost worthless and needed a push. 

Free Bitcoin Faucet In 2010

Gavin Andresen came up with a new idea called the "bitcoinfaucet". All the website visitor has to do is fill the captcha and get 5BTC.The idea behind this project is that the only way to turn Bitcoin from a small idea and community into a global action is to make the cryptocurrency reach a wide audience that can use it. And it worked. From its inception until its closure in 2012, more than 19,700 BTC were spent by visitors to the site, and the currency is slowly gaining momentum with the first price increase in its history. Satoshi had this to say about Gavin's project: "Very good choice of first project, great work.

I plan to do this exact thing when others don't, so if mortals have trouble reaching 50 BTC, new users can become playable coins immediately." . The Andresen tap gave way to many free bitcoin taps like, Cointiply, and Faucethub, which further stimulated the growth of websites that accept bitcoin payments. Overall, bitcoin free tap played a big role in bitcoin being what it is today, and Gavin was the man who really built bitcoin.

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Top 10 Proven Methods to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022

Top 10 Proven Methods to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022


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Table of Content:

How to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022 

How to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2022

If you think that it is too late to earn some crypto, you are wrong. The truth is, there are still hundreds of options on how to do it. ‘Cuz let’s be honest, everyone wants to earn some cryptocurrency. And as the 2022 context shows us, getting some crypto can also be an efficient precaution against inflation and the banking system’s failure.

But, we all remember that the crypto market can be pretty uncertain, so we don’t want to risk our hard-earned money. No worries! Let’s browse the best ways to get some crypto coins at a minimum risk and even minimum effort. Yeah, this is possible, follow me!

10 ways to earn cryptocurrency

1. Start mining cryptocurrency

It seems obvious that you should just start mining crypto. But, the problem is that it doesn’t work for all currencies.

In a nutshell, mining is the process that cryptocurrencies use to generate new coins and verify new transactions. But this process is rather complex and involves huge decentralized networks of computers around the world. Every transaction made is being documented through verified and secure blockchains, which are virtual ledgers. As the computers in the network contribute to their processing power, they are then being rewarded with some new coins. So, it goes in circles when the miners maintain the blockchain and keep it secure, the blockchain in its return provides the miners with the coins.

A decade ago, when we all lived in a slighlty better world, anyone with a home computer could organize mining for crypto at their homes. You did not need some super power to do so. But, as the blockchain has grown, the computation power demanded to maintain it has surged.

Now, you can hardly be successful in mining anything profitable. Plus, all mining is now done by specialized companies or groups of people who band their resources together.

But if you want to try your luck with crypto mining, you don’t have to invest thousands of dollars to get started. You can always join a mining network. All you have to do is pay the joining fee, and then you can work together with other members to mine. The only disadvantage is that you’ll also have to split the rewards.


Check out some of the best cryptocurrencies (besides bitcoin) that you can mine right now:

Ethereum (ETH)

Monero (XMR)

Dash (DASH)

Litecoin (LTC)

CoinGecko is a great resource to stay updated with crypto prices and decide whether a coin is worth mining or buying.

2. Earn crypto by buying

Buying crypto seems like the most straightforward way to get some coins, right? Plus, it has never been easier than before. As the industry became so super duper popular in the past few years, its demand skyrocketed. Many companies have started offering services that enable anyone to easily and safely enter the market.

So, how can you buy cryptocurrency in 2022? Easy-peasy!

Let’s start with bitcoin. Buying this coin can be as simple as pie. You just go to a bitcoin ATM and get it with cash or credit. Though other crypto coins aren’t so accessible, so you can only buy them via crypto exchanges. But there’s one thing you should think of, such as transaction fees.

On most online exchanges, the transaction fees are updated in real-time, based on market changes. And the fees themselves are pretty low.

ATMs, on the other hand, usually have high transaction fees. So it’s usually advised to buy coins through exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken. All you have to do is sign up for an account and verify it.

But you should remember, some exchanges require verification from your bank, and this process can take up to several weeks.

Another option is a decentralized exchange (DEX) such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap. The compliance requirements are usually lower and may approve your account faster. But, keep in mind that trading tokens on a DEX is even riskier than on a centralized exchange.

3. Earn cryptocurrency by watching videos

This way is rather easy but not a smooth landscape yet. Most of the payouts are very low, and the videos can be boring to watch, cuz they are mostly ads. But there are some interesting projects that go beyond advertising as well.

One way is to use a site like CoinTube. CoinTube is a site that allows you to watch videos about cryptocurrencies and earn bitcoin in the process. All you need to do is create an account, and then start watching videos. The site pays out every Monday.

Another way to earn free crypto coins is to use a site like Cointiply. You will need to complete some tasks, such as watching videos. You can also earn bitcoin by playing games.

One more option that functions in a similar way is the CoinmarketCap Learning Center. Coinmarketcap has different videos and requires you to take a short quiz afterward, but the payouts and educational value are also high. You can also go for Odysee, which is positioned as an answer to Youtube,, and PlayNano Online. This one specifically, is a project that lets you earn Nano by watching videos, playing games, completing surveys, and other activities.

4. Earn crypto by staking

First of all, what’s staking? Let me explain, staking is a way to put your crypto to work and earn rewards on it. The primary benefit of staking is that you earn more crypto, and interest rates can be very generous. Cool, right?

As many crypto coins verify their transactions, staking allows participants to earn rewards on their holdings. It can be a great way to use your crypto to generate some passive income, especially because some cryptocurrencies offer high interest rates for staking.

Ok, ready to take some easy steps? Follow me!

First, you should buy a cryptocurrency that uses proof-of stake. Here are a few of the major cryptocurrencies you can steak in:

Ethereum (CRYPTO:ETH) was the first cryptocurrency with a programmable blockchain that developers can use to create apps.

Cardano (CRYPTO:ADA) is an eco-friendly cryptocurrency. It was founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods.

Polkadot (CRYPTO:DOT) is a protocol that allows different blockchains to connect and work with one another.

Secondly, transfer your crypto to a blockchain wallet. After you buy your crypto, it will be available on the exchange where you purchased it. Some exchanges have their own staking programs with select cryptocurrencies. If that's the case, you can just stake crypto directly on the exchange. While staking can work differently depending on the cryptocurrency, most use staking pools. Research the staking pools available for the cryptocurrency you have. But! I want to warn you, that there are a few risks to staking crypto, you should understand. Crypto prices are volatile and can drop quickly. If your staked assets suffer a large price drop, that could outweigh any interest you earn on them.

Also keep in mind that staking can require that you lock up your coins for a minimum amount of time. During that period, you're unable to do anything with your staked assets, such as sell them. I warned you, bro.

5. Get crypto with DeFi

well, now we will talk about the next level of complexity. Don't worry, I am with you here. So, in the most straightforward understanding of this process, Yield Farming is a method of generating rewards from locking up cryptocurrencies. As you lock in your funds and grant liquidity to a Defi token, you will get rewards and interest. Depending on the project, you can get additional tokens besides the yield. Not so complicated, right?

Some of the most prominent DeFis that you can mine right now are Compound (COMP), Kyber Network (KNC), 0x (ZRX), and Ren (REN).

6. Earn cryptocurrency by playing games

You can not only play games, but earn some crypto! Sounds awesome, right? Plus, the Play to Earn crypto games concept is the hottest trend nowadays. Let's take a look inside to see what's really possible. These unique games have native tokens supporting game economies. You buy, trade, sell, and play with these in-game currencies.

But, some games are premium needing an initial investment to start with, while some you play for free. And one more thing I should mention, most of these games are in early development, so lower your expectations, and don’t wait for some super modern good-looking games here. But keep your focus on the economics, and the rewards, not the game itself. Now, let’s look closer. You can check out Axie Infinity for the beginning. This game is the top P2E crypto game, consistently in the news for providing household income in some weaker economies. The game requires three Axies (in-game creatures) that you can purchase from their marketplace. rollercoin as crypto game mining simulator etc.

Then, Plant Vs. Undead. This game is about a meteorite-hit planet in which the animals have turned into the undead trying to kill the mother trees. However, the flora has evolved too, fully prepared to fight the adversaries. The native token is PVU stored on Binance's Smart Chain, whereas the in-game currency is named Light Energy (LE).

And one more thing to mention, is The Sandbox. It has multiple ways to earn. You can be an artist, game maker, or landowner to earn SAND, the cryptocurrency. rollercoin etc

There are plenty of other games to choose from, but bear in mind, you should be careful of the games asking for initial investments, owing to the crypto volatility.

7. Earn Cryptocurrency joining a network of publishers

Do you have a website or a blog? Then you can start earning some coins. It is easy, let me show you how.

Since Google banned or restricted crypto-related businesses from advertising through its network, the advertising industry had to adapt. Countless crypto ad networks (such as A-ADS), Adsterra and or Adhitz Ad were created to fill the market’s advertising needs. Their platforms created vast networks of crypto publishers, where advertisers could place their banners.

So, let me tell you about the advantages that our Publishers can get. Firstly, it takes less than a minute to become a publisher! You should go to our website and follow three steps. Ready? Here, what you should do:

Fill out the ad unit creation form to get HTML code. It’s pretty simple, no worries!

Insert it on your website.

Wait for your earnings!

What’s more is that we provide alternative technologies for monetizing your traffic. In addition to the ability to sell ads on your website directly, you can also earn from the pool of our active advertisers. Our distributed, scalable infrastructure ensures reliable ad delivery all around the world.

In return for displaying ads, the publisher gets paid. And while most networks will pay out their users in only one currency (such as EUR or USD), many also do payouts in cryptocurrency.

8. Accept crypto payments

One more way to earn some crypto coins is to start accepting crypto payments. If you own an e-commerce website, then it’s your time to shine. The process isn’t complicated. Platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce allow their customers to accept cryptocurrencies as payment through their website.

And not talking only bitcoin. For example, WooCommerce allows its users to accept some 50 types of crypto coins, while Shopify goes even higher, with more than 300.

If we talk about Shopify, all you have to do is enable an alternative payment method from your Shopify account.

For WooCommerce, you’ll have to install one (or more) additional plugin, such as BitPay or CoinGate. When installed, just activate it, configure it, and you’re good to go.

9. Start freelancing and get paid in bitcoin

Maybe this is not an obvious way, but definitely one of the easiest to try! You can earn coins by securing a job that pays in cryptocurrency. And you will be surprised as to how many online platforms have set it as their Payment method.

Heaps of platforms facilitate freelancing through blockchain technology. . Most of them don’t have any costs or transaction fees, so freelancers receive precisely what the employer pays.

Feel uncertain to receive your paycheck in crypto due to volatility? No worries! You can always opt for a more stable cryptocurrency. You can start your crypto freelance career with such places as CryptoGrind, BlockLancer, BitGigs Earn, and some others.

10. Use cryptocurrency and payment platforms

The last, but not the least, is the way to profit from cash back functionality.

Cryptocurrency and payment platforms like now offer financial management applications that can help you earn more cryptos using the funds you already have.

Not counting earning cryptocurrencies from depositing and picking up the interest, you can profit from cash back functionality.


So, let’s sum up, the crypto industry is massive!

In this article, we have tried to cover some of the safest methods of earning. It’s up to you which one to choose.

Source: A ads

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