Showing posts with label faucet review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faucet review. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

FaucetHub sudah mati! Ini Dia Situs Pengganti yang bahkan lebih user friendly saripada Faucethub

FaucetHub sudah mati! Ini Dia Situs Pengganti Faucethub

Baru-baru ini, Mexicantarget selaku founder dari Faucethub baru saja membuat artikel tentang informasi Faucethub akan ditutup.

Untuk yang belum tahu, Faucethub merupakan sebuah platform micro wallet nomor 1 didunia. Mereka memiliki banyak pengguna, baik itu crypto hunter maupun faucet owner.

Mexicantarget mengatakan bahwa faucethub tidak akan bisa menjadi micro wallet yang bisa maju sampai kapanpun. Ia mengatakan didalam postingannya:

“Ini tentang bagaimana FaucetHub tidak dapat terus beroperasi sebagai mikro wallet maju”

Lalu, dengan semua informasi ini, apa alasan yang membuat Faucethub harus ditutup? 

Sebagai informasi, kami telah merangkum dengan rapi tentang postingan Mexicantarget, agar dapat dipahami oleh kamu.

Alasan Kenapa Faucethub Ditutup

Mexicantarget mengatakan, alasan utama penutupan platform faucethub adalah dari sistem “Regulation Requirements”, atau dalam bahasa indonesia disebut Persyaratan Peraturan. Hal ini lah yang menjadi alasan utama penutupan platform faucethub.

Regulation Requirements menunjukan bahwa Crypto telah lepas landas dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan membuat jalan ke mata badan pengaturan dari berbagai negara tingkat atas.

Organisasi yang terlibat diinstruksikan oleh pemerintah negara masing-masing untuk menerapkan aturan dan pedoman bagi semua perusahaan keuangan agar mereka dapat memantau, mengendalikan, dan memprediksi pergerakan moneter warga di negara tersebut.

Dan peraturan ini tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh Faucethub, selain faucethub, peraturan ini juga tidak akan bisa dipenuhi oleh semua micro wallet yang ada. Jadi semua platform micro wallet akan segera ditutup.

BacaJuga : Cara Nuyul di A-ADS Metode BTC Ngalir Deras kayak Mining BTC beneran

Kenapa Micro Wallet tidak bisa memenuhi peraturan ini?

Sebelumnya saya akan jelaskan apa itu micro wallet. Micro Wallet adalah pemroses pembayaran dengan fokus utama adalah pengalihan uang dari tangan orang lain ke tangan orang lain.

Micro Wallet menyimpan dan bertransaksi dalam cryptocurrency atas nama atau alamat crypto orang lain (milik pengguna). Ini membuat micro wallet secara hukum dituntut untuk diatur sebagai perusahaan keuangan.
Apakah perusahaan Faucethub akan benar-benar ditutup?

Untuk Faucethub sendiri saya katakan YA, Faucethub akan benar-benar ditutup. Namun untuk perusahaan-nya tidak akan ditutup, karena Mexicantarget mengatakan bahwa mereka akan melakukan Re-branding dengan mengganti nama dan layanan yang ada.

Seperti yang dikutip dari postingan Mexicantarget oleh tim Jelajahcoin, Mexican target menjelaskan bahwa:

“Setelah mempertimbangkan dengan saksama, kami telah memutuskan bahwa FaucetHub akan menjalani rebranding menjadi nama baru, dan akan memiliki fokus inti baru: menyediakan layanan Offerwall kepada pengguna dan bisnisIa melanjutkan:

“Ini melibatkan peluncuran platform baru yang dirancang untuk pengguna yang mengklaim dari Offerwalls, serta memberikan opsi bagi Penerbit untuk memperoleh penghasilan dari lalu lintas mereka dan bagi Peneliti & Pengiklan untuk mempromosikan dan melakukan riset pasar crypto yang ditargetkan.”

Hal ini membuat terjadinya penghentian Altcoin pada platform baru-nya, namun mereka akan tetap menggunakan Bitcoin sebagai mata uang utama. Mexican target juga menyarankan penggunanya untuk segera menarik semua Altcoin yang ada sebelum fase transisi berakhir.

Mexicantarget mengatakan, tanggal mulai perubahan awal atau fase transisi adalah tanggal 09 November 2019. Dan akan fase transisi ini akan berakhir pada 10 Desember 2019.

Apa pengganti FAUCETHUB setelah Faucethub mati?

FaucetPay  Dengan informasi ditutupnya Micro-wallet terkemuka didunia, Faucethub, memang banyak sekali orang yang kebingungan untuk mencari pengganti dari Faucethub.

Namun, sekarang Kami akan memberitahukan situs pengganti Faucethub, yang dimana situs-situs faucet sebelumnya memang sudah beralih ke situs ini.

Situs ini bernama, Micro-wallet yang benar-benar telah menggantikan posisi dari Faucethub. Semua situs faucet sebelumnya dari Faucethub telah berpindah database ke Faucetpay.

Bahkan A-Ads juga telah menambahkan Faucetpay kedalam dukungan withdraw-nya.


Jadi sekarang kamu sudah bisa mencari dan menghasilkan bitcoin atau altcoin lagi melalui situs-situs faucet yang tersedia. Klik tombol diatas untuk segera mendaftar ke Faucetpay dan mulai menghasilkan uang.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menggandakan coin kamu melalui permainan yang disediakan FaucetPay, yaitu “Multiply Coins”.


Baca Juga: Cara Menghasilkan Uang dengan memonetisasi blog lewat program publisher ADSTERRA plus Bukti pembayarannya

Kelebihan FaucetPay dari FaucetHub

Adapun kelebihan yang dimiliki FaucetPay daripada FaucetHub itu sendiri. Berikut, kami akan menjelaskan semua kelebihan yang dimiliki FaucetPay daripada FaucetHub:

1. Durasi Withdraw yang cepat

FaucetPay memiliki durasi withdraw atau penarikan yang terbilang sangat lebih cepat dibandingkan FaucetHub. Jika Faucethub membutuhkan waktu 24 jam untuk altcoin, dan penarikan bitcoin hanya diproses pada hari minggu.

Beda halnya dengan FaucetPay yang memiliki durasi withdraw paling lama sekitar 4 Jam, dan paling cepat sekitar 5 menit.

2. Fee/biaya withdraw yang rendah

Selain daripada durasi withdraw yang cepat, FaucetPay juga memiliki Fee/biaya withdraw yang terbilang cukup rendah. Biaya withdraw disini memiliki 2 opsi, opsi ini berasarkan durasi yang kamu inginkan.

Seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, FaucetPay memiliki 2 opsi durasi withdraw yaitu 4 jam dan 5 menit. Jika kamu memilih durasi yang 4 jam, maka kamu akan dikenakan biaya sebesar 400 satoshi.

Sedangkan untuk yang 5 menit, kamu akan dikenakan biaya 7000 satoshi.

3. Minimum Withdraw yang rendah

Disini kita akan mengambil contoh Bitcoin, di FaucetPay minimum withdraw untuk bitcoin sangatlah rendah. Yaitu sebesar 15,000 Satoshi atau 0.00015 BTC saja.


4. Script Faucet gratis

Beralih ke hal lain, FaucetPay juga menyediakan script Faucet gratis untuk kamu yang ingin menjadi developer atau penyedia Faucet sendiri.

Script ini sengaja disiapkan oleh FaucetPay untuk mempermudah dan memperluas jangkauan orang-orang yang ingin mencari coin melalui faucet.

5. Desain yang lebih User Friendly

Ini merupakan hal yang cukup penting untuk sebuah platform micro-wallet. Kita tau FaucetHub memiliki desain yang cukup rumit dan cukup membuat bingung para penggunanya untuk menemukan sebuah halaman.

Beda halnya dengan FaucetPay, mereka memiliki desain yang sangat User Friendly atau mudah digunakan. Bahkan mereka hanya memiliki 1 menu navigasi yang dimana kamu bisa mencari semua yang kamu butuhkan disana.

Dari semua penjelasan diatas, kami harap kamu sudah bisa memahami tentang fitur yang disediakan. Dan kami harap kamu akan segera bergabung bersama kami dan mulai menghasilkan coin.

Baca Juga : Cara Ampuh Tips dan Trik Bermain RollerCoin agar Untung Besar Secara Gratis

Disclaimer: ini adalah info yang sifatnya hiburan dan pendidikan saja, Tidak ada informasi yang Anda baca itu harus diambil sebagai saran investasi. Membeli dan memperdagangkan mata uang digital harus dianggap sebagai kegiatan berisiko tinggi. Silakan lakukan ketekunan DYOR do your own reasearch Anda sendiri sebelum membuat keputusan investasi apa pun. Jelajahcoin tidak bertanggung jawab, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, untuk setiap kerugian yang terjadi.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto

Friday, August 12, 2022

Softairbay faucet Review

Softairbay faucet Review

Welcome to Softairbay Faucet Review

Faucet Earn BitcoinDogecoinLitecoinBitcoin CashDash, EthereumDigibyteearn Tronclaim free TetherZcashBinance Coin and Solana for completing simple tasks. Claim directly to Faucetpay.
Faucet, Autofaucet, Shortlinks, Pay to Click, Offerwalls, Lottery, Multiplier Games and more...

What is Softairbay?

Softairbay is a site that dispenses free cryptocurrecies such as Bitcoin to its visitors with the main objective to promote the blockchain activity and business. Softairbay does not only give away Bitcoin, there are also 11 different alternative cryptocurrencies you can receive: Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ethereum, Digibyte, Tron, Tether, Zcash, Binance Coin and Solana.


Shortlink Wall

Hit the buttons and complete the shortlinks to get Claim Points. Every shortlink gives the amount of claim points specified in the button and can be completed a prefixed number of times.
You can do ONLY ONE shortlink at the same time
If you know more shortlink services and you wish em to be added here just CONTACT US
or if you are a webmaster you can subscribe an account directly by clicking on the link just next to the shortener name.

Pay to Click Wall
Hit the buttons under the Advertisements and watch theme for 30 seconds to get the amount of Claim Points specified in the button, the reward of each advertisement can be obtained only once per day.
To post a Pay to Click advertisement in this page please click here.

Select the Offerwall you wish from the lists, more offers will be added soon.
Please note that offerwall payments are kept for a period of 14 days before being released, you can check your completed offers in the history page.


1. hourly lottery
To increase the Jackpot you must subscribe to the Lottery, we add 100 Claim Points as base prize to the Jackpot, plus another 5 for every user registered during the whole round.
1st place takes the Jackpot, 2nd place wins 100 CPs and 3rd place wins 50 CPs while 4th, 5th and 6th will get 20 CPs, the winners will be selected randomly every hour and the prize will be credited automatically to the winners at the end of the round.
 Subscribing to the hourly lottery costs 20 Claim Points.
2. daily lottery
To increase the Jackpot you must subscribe to the Lottery, we add 250 Claim Points as base prize to the Jackpot, plus another 5 for every user registered during the whole round.
1st place takes the Jackpot, 2nd place wins 250 CPs and 3rd place wins 100 CPs while 4th, 5th and 6th will get 50 CPs, the winners will be selected randomly everyday and the prize will be credited automatically to the winners at the end of the round. Subscribing to the daily lottery costs 20 Claim Points.


Spin the Roulette and try your luck.
Just press the "Spin" button at the bottom of the page and wait until the roulette has completely stopped to get your reward.
Spinning the roulette costs 10 Claim Points and every spin gives 1 EXP.
Spin the roulette 20 times to receive an additional 100 claim points bonus from the daily tasks.


Pull the Slotiplier lever and try your luck.
Just click on the lever on the right side of the machine and wait until the wheels have completely stopped to get your reward.
Spinning the Slotiplier costs 10 Claim Points and every spin gives 2 EXP.
Spin the Slotiplier 20 times to receive an additional 100 claim points bonus from the daily tasks.

Multicoin Autofaucet

Our Autofaucet allows you to claim automatically cryptocurrencies while away from keyboard or doing something else like working on your projects or claiming from other faucets, just keep this page open till the countdown is over than we will send you cryptocurrencies and deduct an amount of Claim Points from your account based on the selected coins, rates are displayed below. 

Based on your level, you can claim up to 10 coins at same time by ticking the checkbox under the currency icon, this will increase even more your level and earns while saving your time, session will last as long as you have Claim Points, you can get Claim Points from the shortlink wall, the pay to click wall, the lottery, the daily tasks, the miner, the roulette and the referral program. Increasing your level will unlock the ability to select more coins as described in your dashboard progress tab


Claim Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin cash, Dash, Ethereum, Digibyte, Tron, Zcash, Theter, Binance coin or Solana every 5 minutes directly to ExpressCrypto or Faucetpay. We will send you the cryptocurrencies based on the rates displayed in the claim table and deduct 2 Claim Point from your account every time you do a claim. You can get Claim Points from the shortlink wall, the PTC wall, the lottery, the daily tasks, the miner, the roulette, the slotiplier and the referral program.

Cash out your Claim Points

Do you have to many Claim Points? Do you think you will never be able to cash theme all with the Autofaucet or the Manual Faucet? Don not worry, here you can directly cash out your Claim Points into Cryptocurrencies, just press the "Withdraw" button and check your microwallet balance, as the cash out is almost instant. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1000 Claim points and the maximum is 10000, please be aware that is allowed only ONE withdraw every 24 hours.

Instant cashout unlocks at level 3!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Zetsubo REWARDS 5X ALTCOINS - Details review

 Zetsubo REWARDS 5X ALTCOINS - Details

Zetsubo REWARDS 5X ALTCOINS ( started using FaucetPay to send payments 182 days ago. It has paid approximately $0.3955 USD in the past 24 hours, of which $0.0172 was paid in the past hour. The most recent payment we detected was made about 35 minutes ago.

NameCoinLast paymentBalancePaid (24h)
hour ago
90.50630378 FEY
6.82690388 FEY
hour ago
0.32129177 USDT
0.04514888 USDT
hour ago
0.00801582 DASH
0.00079053 DASH
hour ago
9.09111522 TRX
0.58061691 TRX
hour ago
0.00009766 BNB
0.00012158 BNB
hour ago
0.00604792 LTC
0.00061840 LTC
hour ago
70.46107451 DGB
2.98560023 DGB
hour ago
10.59796587 DOGE
0.50640900 DOGE
hour ago
0.00044005 ETH
0.00001672 ETH
hour ago
0.00001646 BTC
0.00000082 BTC
hours ago
0.00000015 ZEC
0.00020091 ZEC
hour ago
0.00569102 BCH
0.00004580 BCH
On FaucetPay since:February 06, 2022
Active users:887
Owner's username:lutch
Other faucets by the same owner:none found
Approximate total amount paid
past hour:$0.02 USD
past 24 hours:$0.40 USD
past week:$1.55 USD


There are hundreds of different crypto faucets. Some of them are well managed and paying. Some of them fail and stop paying. There are also some that are scams from the beginning. Hopefully this website will let you find and focus only on the paying ones.

Recommended Faucets

Why are the faucets above recommended? The reason is because we have received payments from them recently. Specifically, we have received a payment either today (2022-08-07) or yesterday.

The list is ordered by the average amount of claim. This means that the faucets higher on the list will pay more on average.

CRYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit || - Details REVIEW

CRYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit || - Details

©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit || ( started using FaucetPay to send payments 457 days ago. It has paid approximately $0.0489 USD in the past 24 hours, of which $0.0022 was paid in the past hour. The most recent payment we detected was made less than five minutes ago.

NameCoinLast paymentBalancePaid (24h)
1©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit BCHBCH<1
hour ago
0.00055239 BCH
0.00020695 BCH
2©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit BTCBTC~2
hours ago
0.00000228 BTC
0.00000062 BTC
3©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit TRXTRX<1
hour ago
0.43761798 TRX
0.07442814 TRX
4©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit BNBBNB>10
hours ago
0.00000019 BNB
0.00000000 BNB
5©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit DASHDASH>10
hours ago
0.00000742 DASH
0.00000000 DASH
6©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit DOGEDOGE>10
hours ago
0.00435381 DOGE
0.00000000 DOGE
7©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit ETHETH>10
hours ago
0.00000001 ETH
0.00000000 ETH
8©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit FEYFEY>10
hours ago
0.03957404 FEY
0.00000000 FEY
9©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit SOLSOL>10
hours ago
0.00000019 SOL
0.00000000 SOL
10©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit USDTUSDT>10
hours ago
0.00023035 USDT
0.00000000 USDT
11©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit ZECZEC>10
hours ago
0.00048087 ZEC
0.00000000 ZEC
On FaucetPay since:May 07, 2021
Active users:219
Owner's username:alemd91
Other faucets by the same owner:none found
Approximate total amount paid
past hour:$0.00 USD
past 24 hours:$0.05 USD
past week:$1.56 USD

Visit ©RYPTOFORU || No Daily Limit ||

There are hundreds of different crypto faucets. Some of them are well managed and paying. Some of them fail and stop paying. There are also some that are scams from the beginning. Hopefully this website will let you find and focus only on the paying ones.

Recommended Faucets

Why are the faucets above recommended? The reason is because we have received payments from them recently. Specifically, we have received a payment either today (2022-08-07) or yesterday.

The list is ordered by the average amount of claim. This means that the faucets higher on the list will pay more on average.



FREE FAUCET XPLORER 1 MINUTES ( started using FaucetPay to send payments 640 days ago. It has paid approximately $0.0174 USD in the past 24 hours, of which $0.0007 was paid in the past hour. The most recent payment we detected was made less than five minutes ago.

NameCoinLast paymentBalancePaid (24h)
hour ago
0.24740546 USDT
0.01741080 USDT
On FaucetPay since:November 04, 2020
Active users:204
Owner's username:fireblade
Other faucets by the same owner:none found
Approximate total amount paid
past hour:$0.00 USD
past 24 hours:$0.02 USD
past week:$0.11 USD


There are hundreds of different crypto faucets. Some of them are well managed and paying. Some of them fail and stop paying. There are also some that are scams from the beginning. Hopefully this website will let you find and focus only on the paying ones.

Recommended Faucets

Why are the faucets above recommended? The reason is because we have received payments from them recently. Specifically, we have received a payment either today (2022-08-07) or yesterday.

The list is ordered by the average amount of claim. This means that the faucets higher on the list will pay more on average.

Djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS - Details review

 Djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS - Details

Djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS ( started using FaucetPay to send payments 57 days ago. It has paid approximately $0.6607 USD in the past 24 hours, of which $0.0352 was paid in the past hour. The most recent payment we detected was made about 60 minutes ago. The owner of this faucet (Jacksonvilie) also operates other ones - check the list below.

NameCoinLast paymentBalancePaid (24h)
1Djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS
hour ago
0.02470855 SOL
0.01631465 SOL
On FaucetPay since:June 11, 2022
Active users:614
Owner's username:Jacksonvilie
Other faucets by the same owner:djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS BTC
Approximate total amount paid
past hour:$0.04 USD
past 24 hours:$0.66 USD
past week:$3.75 USD

Visit Djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS

djfaucet | 50% REF COMMISSIONS BTC

There are hundreds of different crypto faucets. Some of them are well managed and paying. Some of them fail and stop paying. There are also some that are scams from the beginning. Hopefully this website will let you find and focus only on the paying ones.

Recommended Faucets

Why are the faucets above recommended? The reason is because we have received payments from them recently. Specifically, we have received a payment either today (2022-08-07) or yesterday.

The list is ordered by the average amount of claim. This means that the faucets higher on the list will pay more on average.


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