Showing posts with label free crypto and bitcoin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free crypto and bitcoin. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Cara Bermain Fire Faucet Untuk Claim Gratis Unlimited - Free Multiclaim Auto Mining Bitcoin

 Cara Bermain Fire Faucet Untuk Claim Gratis Unlimited - Free Multiclaim Auto Mining Bitcoin

Firefaucet dikenal sebagai faucet gratisan yang terbukti masih membayar alias belum scam.

Tapi, walaupun situs ini gratisan, tak sepenuhnya gratis, karena sebelum melakukan aktivitas atau bermain claim, user wajib mempunyai ACP yaitu Auto Claim Point.

Jika ACP Anda kosong atau nol, maka dapat dipastikan Anda tidak bisa meneruskan aktivitas bermain claim.

Jadi bagaimana cara mendapatkan ACP, agar bisa claim berkali-kali?

Bagi yang belum punya akun resmi fire faucet, silahkan daftar melalui dibawah ini...

Fire Faucet - Mining Bitcoin Gratis yang Terbukti Membayar

1. Rajin Rajinlah mengerjakan Tugas

Tutorial fire faucet dalam melakukan claim berkali-kali

Ada 6 kategori tugas yang dapat Anda selesaikan untuk mendapatkan ACP, yaitu Shortlinks, Surveys, Faucet, Offerwalls, Tasks dan PTC.

Selain klaim fire faucet juga menyediakan banyak tugas surveys yang lumayan lengkap

Untuk yang baru memulai atau masih level 1, disarankan untuk menyelesaikan tugas PTC (Paid to Click).

Dimana tugas Anda cukup melihat sejumlah iklan yang tersedia.

Setiap iklan memiliki durasi wajib tonton, biasanya yang paling sering muncul 8s (8 detik) dengan upah 50 ACP.

Dalam satu momen, PTC yang tersedia berjumlah 10 - 12 PTC (iklan), jadi dengan total 96 Detik (1 menit 36 detik) waktu yang anda habiskan, dengan total mendapatkan bayaran 600 ACP.


2. Ulet Menanti Faucet
Standar jumlah claim faucet legit firefaucet

Perlu diketahui ada satu kategori untuk mendapatkan ACP dengan mudah, yaitu Faucet.

Jatah claim 30 menit sekali, dengan upah 56++ ACP

3. Menonton Shortlinks
Rekomendasi tugas shortlink yang membayar banyak bitcoin serta cryptocurrency lainnya

Setiap sesi kategori shortlinks menyiapkan 2720 ACP, dengan total 55 link yang siap Anda tonton.

Sederhananya shortlink ini sama saja seperti Anda menonton iklan PTC.

Hanya saja hadiah shortlinks yang dianggap valid, jika Anda mampu menyelesaikan setiap perintah klik pada laman iklan tersebut.

Pada sesi aktivitas tersebut, Anda wajib nonaktifkan atau tidak menggunakan Ads Block dan sejenisnya.

Untuk jatah views/menonton Anda, di reset setiap hari sekali pada jam tengah malam, dengan zona jam menyesuaikan pada website fire faucet.

Namun, banyak yang menganggap bahwa melakukan claim pada shortlink merupakan sebuah kesulitan, karena terlalu banyak popup, kerap gagal dan tentunya menganggu kinerja browser yang digunakan.

Oleh sebab itu, untuk shortlink bisa saja di non prioritaskan jika Anda kewalahan mengerjakan tugasnya, intinya jangan buang-buang waktu, masih banyak faucet bitcoin legit lain yang sama membayarnya.

4. Reward Karena Tingkat Ke-aktifan
Hadiah klaim faucet paling legit tidak scam dan pasti membayar member-membernya

Siapapun Anda, jika rajin dan banyak menyelesaikan semua tugas yang tersedia pada Fire Faucet, akan di hadiahi kembali.

Klik pada panel Tasks, maka Anda akan dibawa pada laman Daily Tasks.

Semua pencapaian yang telah Anda raih, seperti berhasil menyelesaikan 5 shortlinks, menyelesaikan 3000 ACP dari offerwall dan sebagainya.

Kabar baiknya, Anda juga berhak mendapatkan sejumlah ACP dan bayaran dollar dengan nilai konversi BTC.

Semua track pencapaian tersebut akan di reset kembali setiap hari pada tengah malam.

Jadi, semakin Anda rajin bermain di fire faucet maka keuntungan berlipat baik dollar dan koin crypto menjadi milik Anda tanpa syarat ribet.

5. Raih Peringkat Aktivitas Tertinggi
Peringkat tertinggi faucet gratisan yang pasti membayar

Selain Daily Tasks, Anda juga berhak dan resmi untuk mengikuti kompetisi "Activity Leaderboard"

Untuk mempermudah penjelasan, Activity Point disebut sebagai AP.

Dalam perhitungan ranking, user akan dihitung berdasarkan tingkat aktivitasnya, seperti rutin dan banyaknya menyelesaikan tugas-tugas: PTC, Faucet, Surveys, offerwalls, shortlinks dan lainnya.

Peringkat di update setiap 5 menit sekali, dan yang berhak mendapatkan hadiah adalah user yang bertengger di 20 besar.

Hadiah peringkat 1 senilai 40.000 ACP, sehingga hadiah tersebut dapat digunakan kembali untuk melakukan Auto Claim.

Pemutusan pemenang setiap satu hari sekali.

Nama setiap user yang masuk 10 besar akan masuk di Hall of fame nya fire faucet.

6. Semakin Tinggi Level Semakin Besar Hadiahnya
Dapatkan hadiah dan level menarik setiap klaim gratis bitcoin

Berdasarkan tingkat keaktifan anggota atau user tersebut, keaktifan akan dinilai dan diberikan reward.

Selain dapat dikumpulkan untuk bertengger di leaderboard, AP juga dapat digunakan untuk menukarkan hadiah, setiap naik level 1 tingkat berikutnya.

Misal dari level 5 ke level 7, maka Anda berhak mendapatkan hadiah 350 ACP dan bonus 0,006x.

Sekali lagi sebagai pengingat.

AP atau aktifitas point dapat dikumpulkan setelah Anda menyelesaikan:

- Claim selama melakukan Auto faucet (ACP), Offerwalls, Surveys, Shortlinks, Menukar gift card, Faucet (30 menit sekali), PTC

7. Fitur Membership Bayar Dengan Apapun Yang  Anda Punya.
Fitur faucet bitcoin legit yang pasti membayar tidak scam 2021

Fire Faucet memberikan fitur pembeda terhadap usernya dengan program membership.

Terdapat Free Membership dan Prime Membership.

Perbedaan mencolok dari keduanya, terdapat di sistem Withdrawal, untuk status prime limit penarikan maksimal 25 dollar /hari, sedangkan untuk free atau member biasa hanya sampai 10 dollar per harinya.

Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk mencoba prime membership, minimal berlangganan member prime adalah 3 hari, dengan jenis pembayaran dapat menggunakan:

- ACP, PTC Credit, Bitcoin, Koin BNB, Koin USDT, Koin ETH, Koin DOGE, Koin LTC, Koin DASH, Koin Tron,Koin Nano, Koin Monero, Koin Zcash

Untuk durasi prime membership 3 hari, biaya dikenakan 0,150 Dollar, jika pembayaran dengan cyrptocurrency.

Pembayaran menggunakan ACP, untuk 3 hari nya senilai 16.666 ACP

Sedangkan pembayaran dengan PTC Credit, untuk 3 harinya cukup membayar 125 PTC.


Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan diskon, lakukan berlangganan prime membership di atas 10 hari agar mendapatkan diskon 10%, 20 hari dapat 20% dan 30 hari bisa mendapatkan diskon 30%

Kabar baiknya, dalam beberapa hari belakangan untuk pembelian normal dengan patokan minimal 3 hari, user sudah berhak mendapatkan diskon 50%.

Mungkin untuk di awal, menjadi P.M (Prime Membership) belumlah terlalu genting, terkecuali Anda merasa aktif dan membutuhkan fitur untuk menambah jatah batas limit penarikan, misalnya member biasa maksimal WD hanya senilai 10 Dollar, sedangkan untuk PM Anda bisa menarik hingga 25 Dollar.

8. Bijak/Bebas Memilih Koin Yang Akan di Auto Claim

Fire faucet menyediakan 12 Koin yang bisa di lakukan Auto Faucet Claim, Anda bisa memilih satu bahkan lebih jenis koin untuk dilakukan claim otomatis.

Daftar koin crypto yang bisa ditambang atau mining oleh fire faucet

Saya akan membagikan tips, yang dijabarkan dalam 2 cara di bawah ini:

  • Pilih satu Coin Crypto, yang Anda rasa prospek kedepan atau saat ini lebih bagus dari pada yang lain, setelah itu Anda klik centang pada koin tersebut, lalu tunggu, biarkan claim melakukan kinerja secara otomatis.

    Penghasilan yang di dapat bisa Anda pantau melalui notifikasi yang terletak di atas bar loading Auto Claim, atau melihat langsung panel Wallet Balance.

  • Jumlah withdraw firefaucet setiap harinya

    Jangan lupa, untuk mengatur “Payout boost”, dimana ini berguna untuk meningkatkan jumlah koin yang berhasil di claim, terdapat pilihan 1x, 2x, 3x, atau 4x.

    Untuk saya pribadi, jika hanya melakukan claim pada satu koin, saya mengaktifkan 4x “payout boost” agar lebih kenyang hehe.

  • Jika Anda tidak tahu koin-koin digital mana yang di rasa baik, Anda bisa mencoba klaim semua koin, dengan mencentang semua 12 crypto tersedia.

    Walau ini merupakan pemborosan pada ACP, setidaknya ini lebih cepat dan ringkas, hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit saja, jika Point ACP Anda sekitar 2000 – 5000an.

    Setelah proses claim selesai, lalu Anda berubah fikiran dan menyesal telah melakukan claim pada semua koin? Dimana Anda rasa ini Kesia-sian dan pemborosan?

    Tenang saja, fire faucet juga menyediakan proses “exchange”.

Apa Itu Exchange?

Jadi, bagi Anda yang sudah mendapatkan petunjuk, tentang koin-koin apa saja yang baik dan memiliki nilai baik kedepannya, Anda cukup melakukan Exchange pada semua koin lalu hilirkan pada 1 koin yang ingin Anda kumpulkan/perbanyak.

Cara menukar koin altcoin terhadap bitcoin tanpa fee

Untuk berapa nilai konversi koin yang di dapat, Anda tak perlu khawatir, pihak fire faucet sudah mengatur ini semua sesuai dengan nilai tukar pasar terhadap dollar.

Misalnya: dari DOGE tukar ke Bitcoin, ETH ke DASH dan sebagainya, semuanya sudah disesuaikan dengan nilai konversi (Pair) nya masing-masing.


Bagaimana, sampai disini apakah penjelasan diatas cukup di mengerti?

Jika terdapat yang kurang paham atau ada sesuatu lain yang ingin ditanyakan, Anda bisa cantumkan melalui kotak komentar dibawah.

Baiklah, sekian artikel ini yang membahas tentang tips dan cara bermain fire faucet agar claim berkali-kali.

Terima kasih.


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Friday, July 8, 2022

Earnbitmoon Club Review 2022

Earnbitmoon Club Review 2022

Earn Free Bitcoin (BTC) Now

Earnbitmoon club is a brand new faucet with a large number of loyal users. Although earnbitmoon club is a new faucet, it seems to be a promising emerging website. As a user, the earnbitmoon club is very straightforward, and we believe it will have a positive impact on the user experience. In fact, the earnbitmoon club allows users to make claims frequently or infrequently according to their wishes. Earthbitmoon club is actually a four-in-one website for free access to bitcoin, including faucet, PTC, ads, shortlinks, offerwalls!


Earnbitmoon club is a pay per click website. You need to register to view all available advertisements, which will win you bitcoin after you visit. Like traffic, you don’t have to check whether advertisements are available on the home page all day, because you can easily earn bitcoin when watching youtube, because you can see available advertisements at any time. You can earn free $$$every 5 minutes and get a 40% commission at the same time.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto

How Does Earnbitmoon Club Work?

Earnbitmoon club is a website or application that compensates users for a small amount of FREE bitcoin by performing an activity or completing a task. You may be assigned a task, such as a quiz, watching an advertisement, or completing a verification code. Once you complete the task, the earnbitmoon club will reward you with some satoshis. 

Bitcoin is paid in a smaller unit, called Satoshi, which is equivalent to 100% of millions of bitcoin. This may seem small, but due to the rising price of bitcoin, even a small amount of bitcoin is valuable in the long run. In 2010, Galvin Anderson developed the first bitcoin faucet as a promotional strategy. The purpose is to encourage people to let others know about BTC. 

You may find this little thing surprising, but at that time, some bitcoin faucets paid up to five bitcoins per user! Most faucets make money through advertisements on websites. The greater the traffic of the website, the higher the revenue of the website, which means the more revenue generated. Website owners do not pay in bitcoin, but in real gold and silver. Then, they will use this income to buy bitcoin to reward users.

How to Earn on Earnbitmoon Club?

The Earnbitmoon Club offers five different bonuses, as follows:

1) Loyalty bonus: This is the bonus given by the earnbitmoon club to users who receive bitcoin rewards for several consecutive days. Users who follow this process will receive an additional 1% reward if they apply for FREE bitcoin reward for several consecutive days.

2) Offer bonus: This is the bonus you receive when you complete any survey or offer on the earnbitmoon Club package. For each survey or quotation completed in the past 30 days, you will receive an additional 5% reward in each free faucet bitcoin claim you make.

3) Recommendation bonus: This is an excellent way for the earnbitmoon club to recommend new users to the system to earn lunar bitcoin cash. For each active recommendation you make, you will get 1% bonus in each application, up to 100%.

4) Mystery bonus: This is a unique bonus of the earnbitmoon club. It usually appears on the bottom page, allowing users to apply for free bitcoin. The rewards in the bonus may be different.

5) Mining bonus: This is an optional bonus provided by the earnbitmoon club to users who allow computers to hash. To do this, you need to check the “run mining bonus” option. Earnbitmoon club will increase your CPU utilization by 10-80% and further increase your reward.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto

Is Earnbitmoon Club a Scam?

The earnbitmoon club is not a hoax. Earnbitmoon club is a legal cryptocurrency website, and initial deposit is not required to register the platform. With more than 10 million users, it is difficult to question the legitimacy of their operation. However, you must take into account that the income ceiling of the earnbitmoon club is quite low, not to mention that lottery based games have received a lot of negative complaints. In the end, you have to spend a lot of time and a lot of recommendations to really make a lot of money on the earnbitmoon club.

How Much Can I Earn From Earnbitmoon Club?

To be honest, you won’t make a lot of money from the earnbitmoon club. If you work for the highest paid faucet company, you can only earn $0.002 per faucet application. That means you can claim 20.04 times a day, which means you can earn up to x $0.002. Therefore, if you work in the top 10 bitcoin faucets, you can only earn $0.40 a day and $12 a month. If you want to increase your income, you can use the recommended program of the earnbitmoon club.

The earnbitmoon club website will give you a 40% commission as long as you recommend someone to visit their website. You can get a lifetime commission from your recommended claim.

Earnbitmoon Club Referral Program

According to your level of activity and participation, once you sign up for an account and verify your account through email, you can actually upgrade your faucet and account functions. Earn a higher percentage of all referral income and increase your daily expenses when you want to do it many times a day. In addition, the earnbitmoon club has competitions, PTC activities and many other important features, making it a great leader in winning bitcoin and understanding the cryptocurrency world.

How to Withdraw on Earnbitmoon Club?

At present, cash is withdrawn from the website of the earnbitmoon club, and the website will pay directly to your faucetpay, coinbase, payer or crypto wallet. Although the earnbitmoon club has no contact information, their terms and conditions stipulate that it may take a week to process the withdrawal after submission. All transaction costs are borne by them when processing withdrawal requests.


Earnbitmoon club is a promising new type of faucet. It has a very clean appearance and is very convenient to use. At present, it is not clear whether the earnbitmoon club will add any other cryptocurrency or other functions, but in the current state, we suggest to try. At that time, we will release updates and payment certificates, which is our commitment to you, because our goal is to promote legal payment cryptocurrency faucets and be transparent in case of problems on the website of the earnbitmoon club.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto Review 2022 Review 2022

What exactly is Freebitco?

Freebitco, or Free Bitcoin, is an online bitcoin faucet with games, weekly lotteries, and the possibility to earn bitcoins every hour.

It was founded in late 2013 and has since evolved into a bitcoin destination with over 10.5 million users and over 100 million monthly visits.I

t has so far paid out over $130,000 in Bitcoin revenue.However, you are not familiar with bitcoin mining, investing, or generating operations.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto

How does work is the web home of FreeBitcoin, a firm that claims to wish to provide individuals with the possibility to earn Bitcoin for free by playing games.

For those unfamiliar with Bitcoin, it is a form of digital “cryptocurrency” that has no physical presence. Instead, it’s fully online and used in a peer-to-peer, or person-to-person, scenario.

According to its website, Bitcoin is being accepted by an increasing number of businesses and retailers every day, and it even has the ability to appreciate in value over time as market trends shift, just like any other global currency.

The purpose of is to provide those who are new to or new to this currency with a method to start earning and investing it for free by just playing a game.


Who Owner of

InterGlobal Limited, a Belize-based firm, owns free bitcoin. There is a mailing address and an email address, but you won’t find them on their website. It may appear when you register, however, there is no “contact us” tab on their website. InterGlobal also owns the mirrored site free, which is a DOGECOINS replica platform. They are now selling at US$ 3.48 per 1,000 DOGECOINS.

Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto

What services does provide? is well known for its faucet-based business strategy, in which registered users solve and finish captchas to earn satoshi, which they may then exchange for Bitcoin. Their gambling and lottery platform, which allows users to cash in their satoshi earnings or free tickets in the hopes of increasing their risked amount, is maybe equally popular but frequently mocked.

This platform has attracted millions of players over the last several years thanks to its provably fair hi-lo games, attractive referral scheme, and ability to accumulate satoshi earnings to subsequently convert to Bitcoin. As of December 7th, 2017, the site claims to have had over 58.6 billion games played on its platform, with winners and those who converted their satoshi earnings to bitcoins receiving thousands of bitcoins.

Is freebitcoin legit?

Freebitco isn’t a scam. It is a legal cryptocurrency platform that does not require an initial deposit to join. It’s difficult to deny the legitimacy of their business, given that they have over 10 million users.

However, you must consider the poor earning potential of Freebitco, as well as the fact that the lottery-style game is generating a lot of negative feedback.

t the end of the day, if you want to make money on Freebitco, you’ll need to put in a lot of effort and have a lot of referrals.

Who is eligible to participate?

Despite the lack of information on who may and cannot play, the nature of bitcoin suggests that anyone can participate in the games. Bitcoin is digital money that is not backed by any government or authority. The exchange rate fluctuates, but at the time of writing, 1 Bitcoin is worth US $2,282.23.

Complaints and Red Flags by The Users

While the odds presented on the site appear to be promising in terms of these gambling-like aspects, community criticism has been overwhelmingly negative and loud. For example, several of the lottery games available at the claim to provide users with a 47.5 percent chance of winning, yet some user reviews have revealed that they have lost 20 to 30 times in a row on some of the site’s gambling activities.

On the other hand, there is relatively little negative feedback about registered users’ being unable to earn satoshi or withdraw their earnings using the platform. This is saying a lot considering this network has millions of users earning unlimited amounts of satoshi every hour or taking their chances and winning big in the monthly lottery or jackpot games.

freebitco Review Summary

free Bitcoin is, without a doubt, a legitimate form of currency that has been popular for some time and has been regarded as a potentially decent investment depending on who you listen to. The fact that this website accepts Bitcoin does not imply that it is untrustworthy.

The most serious flaw with this website is the paucity of information it offers. While they spend a lot of time and effort describing Bitcoin to their potential consumers, how it works, and how it is valued, they spend practically little time explaining how their “game” works and why it culminates in them giving you free Bitcoin.

My Thought Before joining this Platform to earn FREE BITCOIN

It’s not every day that we come across a reputable cryptocurrency income opportunity. is a reputable online platform that is utilized by millions of people who want to earn more satoshi and Bitcoin. While the payments aren’t particularly substantial, those of you with spare time can greatly benefit by compounding your gains over time.

Do you think Josh’s conclusion is correct? Please feel free to leave a comment below with any views, opinions, or feedback you may have about Free Bitcoin.



Faucet Free Bitcoin and Crypto



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